Archives du mot-clé school

An American school report

For the day back to school, you have to:


complete your notes about the school report with the help of your classmates’ work


+ copy the following in your notebooks:


We don’t have to wear a uniform = it is not mandatory = it is not obligatory (but it is not forbidden either)


We are not allowed to wear ripped jeans = ripped jeans are not allowed = ripped jeans are forbidden


Don’t forget to bring 5 new words you learned in a series/film in English during the holiday!


Get ready for your speech

This is to prepare for the lesson of Tuesday, October 6th.

Follow the link to practice repeating your speech.

Remember: stress the same words as the model, and respect the pauses.

Use your ‘English is Music’ worksheet to do further work on sounds /e/ and /ei/ just like we did in class.



BONUS for the BRAVEST: if you’re interested, you can watch the speech you’re working on. It is at the very beginning of Dead Poets Society (it lasts about 3 mins)


Stressing words

This is to prepare the lesson of Friday, October 2nd.


You should use your Welcome to Welton Academy worksheet to do this.

Use the online dictionary for English learners and check the stress placement for the words in your worksheet.

Here is an example for you:

Created with Microsoft Fresh Paint

The three dots indicate the number of syllables. The blue dot means that the syllable is stressed. Here, for the word gentleman: the first syllable is stressed.

Do the same with all the words, and practice reapeating them with the help of the recording

In this class, you will practice repeating the speech aloud with the correct prononciation.

Schools in England

This activity is to help you prepare the lesson of Tuesday, September 29th.


Fill in the worksheet about schools in England


Sound work: use your ‘English is Music’ sheet and fill it in with the <th> sounds:


In the lesson of Tuesday, you will compare French schools and American and British schools. You need to be able to compare two elements.


In the second part of the lesson you will prepare an oral presentation of your school. You will have to be very precise.


If you have any questions, please leave a comment to let me know.

American schools

Today, you are doing two different activities.


There’s is a listening comprehension document where a girl describes her high school in the US. Listen to it as many times as you want and fill in the grid.


There is oral expression with me to discuss what it means for you to be in high school. Make the most of this opportunity to speak in small groups, it really is the key to improvement!