Archives du mot-clé speaking

Use the Quizlet sets My Personality and High School Clubs to revise your vocabulary.


Speaking task: you should be able to:

Speak and answer questions about

-yourself (age, family, hobbies, personality etc)

-your school (class, options and clubs, school hours, dress code, grading system and final exam).


Remember: 2nde = Year 11 (UK)/ 9th grade  (US)/freshman year (US)


Wakestock: listening

Here is your work for today


SPEAKING: recap in your groups. I will ask one person per group to give me their oral recap.

PRONUNCIATION: can you pronounce 3 key words from the document?


CHECK everything you know: fill in the blanks


Win a week end at Wakestock: tweet about the festival and post your tweet here


TREAT: if you have finished early, you can watch a video about Wakestock


An American school report

For the day back to school, you have to:


complete your notes about the school report with the help of your classmates’ work


+ copy the following in your notebooks:


We don’t have to wear a uniform = it is not mandatory = it is not obligatory (but it is not forbidden either)


We are not allowed to wear ripped jeans = ripped jeans are not allowed = ripped jeans are forbidden


Don’t forget to bring 5 new words you learned in a series/film in English during the holiday!


Get off the Phone

This is to prepare the class of  Friday, November 6th.


First you should work your Quizlet vocabulary.

Remember, you need to write down the vocabulary and add it to your binder (‘Unit 3 – Get Off the Phone’). If you’re in a rush, you may also print it out.


Watch this video and get ready to speak about it. Any reaction welcome!