Archives du mot-clé grammar

Remember to watch the video about the preterit using your blue Grammar book.


Tomorrow we will do a short lesson and then exercises.

Listening practice

The common test for listening will take place on Nov. 9th, from 11 to 12.

If you want to practice your skills, listen to the following document and make notes on what you understand.

The Canadian school system

Je mettrai une proposition de correction dans quelques jours et vous proposerai une autre CO d’entrainement avant les vacances.


NE PAS OUBLIER: il faut faire au moins la moitié des exercices de la fiche du Grammar Training Time. Tout le monde devra avoir son manuel le vendredi de la rentrée. S’il n’est toujours pas disponible en version papier, il existe également un format tout numérique (à condition de pouvoir y accéder à la maison)

Using articles in English: a, the, and zero article

Remember, you will have a short test on the beginning of the chapter on Monday.

You need to know:

countries of Great Britain + capitals + emblems + flags

vocab and places from video about London & England

adjectives to describe British people

vocab + lesson about « Home, Sweet Home »



Watch the 3 videos: each lesson in 90 seconds long only!

Take notes in your books: make a mindmap or a bullet point list.

I also put the link with the lesson and a quiz to test yourself.

Article: Zero article

Lesson and quiz

Article: THE

Lesson and quiz

Article: A

Lesson and quiz