Archives du mot-clé vocabulary

Getting rid of bad tech habits

This is to prepare the class of Tuesday, December 1st.


We’re finishing* work on teens’ bad tech habits such as waking up* in the middle of the night…

You have to copy the grid to recap the document…and fill in the blanks.


To prepare the new document, start learning your Quizlet vocabulary.


* QUESTION: quelle est la différence entre « we’re finishing » et « waking up » tels que je les ai utilisés dans ma phrase? Donnez-moi votre explication ici

Get off the Phone – recap

This is to prepare the class of Tuesday, November 17th.

This is not a video but a written recap.

Unit 3_recap

You should:

-copy it on a sheet of paper after your notes on the song.

– write the words you have learned in a different colour.

-underline the verbs followed by V-ing.

-write your opinions (using the structures that you have learned in Unit 1)


ANY QUESTION? Leave a comment/message!

The Gerund (V-ING)

This is to prepare the lesson of Tuesday, November 10th. 

Watch the video on the Gerund and take notes (Grammar – Unit 3 – don’t forget to write the date)

Revise your quizlet vocabulary set Get Off the Phone. 

You should all know it (from French to English and from English to French + pronunciation). It is really important that you should memorize the prepositions as well as the verbs which are followed by -ING.

Get off the Phone

This is to prepare the class of  Friday, November 6th.


First you should work your Quizlet vocabulary.

Remember, you need to write down the vocabulary and add it to your binder (‘Unit 3 – Get Off the Phone’). If you’re in a rush, you may also print it out.


Watch this video and get ready to speak about it. Any reaction welcome!

Stressing words

This is to prepare the lesson of Friday, October 2nd.


You should use your Welcome to Welton Academy worksheet to do this.

Use the online dictionary for English learners and check the stress placement for the words in your worksheet.

Here is an example for you:

Created with Microsoft Fresh Paint

The three dots indicate the number of syllables. The blue dot means that the syllable is stressed. Here, for the word gentleman: the first syllable is stressed.

Do the same with all the words, and practice reapeating them with the help of the recording

In this class, you will practice repeating the speech aloud with the correct prononciation.