Archives du mot-clé gerund

Getting rid of bad tech habits

This is to prepare the class of Tuesday, December 1st.


We’re finishing* work on teens’ bad tech habits such as waking up* in the middle of the night…

You have to copy the grid to recap the document…and fill in the blanks.


To prepare the new document, start learning your Quizlet vocabulary.


* QUESTION: quelle est la différence entre « we’re finishing » et « waking up » tels que je les ai utilisés dans ma phrase? Donnez-moi votre explication ici

Get off the Phone – recap

This is to prepare the class of Tuesday, November 17th.

This is not a video but a written recap.

Unit 3_recap

You should:

-copy it on a sheet of paper after your notes on the song.

– write the words you have learned in a different colour.

-underline the verbs followed by V-ing.

-write your opinions (using the structures that you have learned in Unit 1)


ANY QUESTION? Leave a comment/message!